
The GDAL reader reads GDAL readable raster data sources as point clouds.

Each pixel is given an X and Y coordinate (and corresponding PDAL dimensions) that are center pixel, and each band is represented by “band-1”, “band-2”, or “band-n”. Using the ‘header’ option allows naming the band data to standard PDAL dimensions.

Default Embedded Stage

This stage is enabled by default

Basic Example

Simply writing every pixel of a JPEG to a text file is not very useful.


LAS Example

The following example assigns the bands from a JPG to the RGB values of an ASPRS LAS file using writers.las.

        "header": "Red, Green, Blue"



GDALOpen ‘able raster file to read [Required]


Maximum number of points to read. [Default: unlimited]


Spatial reference to apply to the data. Overrides any SRS in the input itself. Can be specified as a WKT, proj.4 or EPSG string. Can’t use with ‘default_srs’. [Default: none]


Spatial reference to apply to the data if the input does not specify one. Can be specified as a WKT, proj.4 or EPSG string. Can’t use with ‘override_srs’. [Default: none]


A comma-separated list of dimension IDs to map bands to. The length of the list must match the number of bands in the raster.