

PDAL’s community interacts through [Mailing List], [GitHub], and Matrix. Please feel welcome to ask questions and participate in all of the venues. The [Mailing List] communication channel is for general questions, development discussion, and feedback. The [GitHub] communication channel is for development activities, bug reports, and testing. The Matrix channel is for real-time chat activities such as meetings and interactive debugging sessions.

Mailing List#

Developers and users of PDAL participate on the PDAL mailing list. It is OK to ask questions about how to use PDAL, how to integrate PDAL into your own software, and report issues that you might have.


Please remember that an email to the PDAL list is going to 100s of individuals. Do your diligence the best you can on your question before asking, but don’t be afraid to ask. We won’t bite. Promise.


Visit PDAL/PDAL to file issues you might be having with the software. GitHub is also where you can obtain a current development version of the software in the git revision control system. The PDAL project is eager to take contributions in all forms, and we welcome those who are willing to roll up their sleeves and start filing tickets, pushing code, generating builds, and answering questions.

See also

Development provides more information on how the PDAL software development activities operate.


Some PDAL developers are active on Matrix and you can use that mechanism for asking questions and interacting with the developers in a mode that is similar to [IRC]. Matrix requires OSGeo credentials for access, so you will need an account to get started. The [Mailing List] and [GitHub] avenues are going to be more productive communication channels in most situations.