
class Log#

pdal::Log is a logging object that is provided by pdal::Stage to facilitate logging operations.

Log stream operations

inline std::ostream *getLogStream()#

the stream object that is currently being used to for log operations regardless of logging level of the instance.

std::ostream &get(LogLevel level = LogLevel::Info)#

Returns the log stream given the logging level.


level – logging level to request If the logging level asked for with pdal::Log::get is less than the logging level of the pdal::Log instance

void floatPrecision(int level)#

Sets the floating point precision.

void clearFloat()#

Clears the floating point precision settings of the streams.



The destructor will clean up its own internal log stream, but it will not touch one that is given via the constructor.

Logging level

inline LogLevel getLevel()#

the logging level of the pdal::Log instance

inline void setLevel(LogLevel v)#

Sets the logging level of the pdal::Log instance.


v – logging level to use for get() comparison operations

inline void setLeader(const std::string &leader)#

Set the leader string (deprecated).


leader[in] Leader string.

inline void pushLeader(const std::string &leader)#

Push the leader string onto the stack.


leader – Leader string

inline std::string leader() const#

Get the leader string.


The current leader string.

inline void popLeader()#

Pop the current leader string.

std::string getLevelString(LogLevel v) const#

A string representing the LogLevel

Public Static Functions

static LogPtr makeLog(std::string const &leaderString, std::string const &outputName, bool timing = false)#
static LogPtr makeLog(std::string const &leaderString, std::ostream *v, bool timing = false)#