Plotting a histogram#
PDAL doesn’t provide every possible analysis option, but it strives to make it convenient to link PDAL to other places with substantial functionality. One of those is the Python/Numpy universe, which is accessed through PDAL’s Python bindings and the filters.python filter. These tools allow you to manipulate point cloud data with convenient Python tools rather than constructing substantial C/C++ software to achieve simple tasks, compute simple statistics, or investigate data quality issues.
This exercise uses PDAL to create a histogram plot of all of the dimensions of a file. matplotlib is a Python package for plotting graphs and figures, and we can use it in combination with the Python bindings for PDAL to create a nice histogram. These histograms can be useful diagnostics in an analysis pipeline. We will combine a Python script to make a histogram plot with a pipeline.
Python allows you to enhance and build functionality that you can use in the context of other Pipeline operations.
PDAL Pipeline#
We’re going to create a PDAL Pipeline to tell PDAL to run our Python script in a filters.python stage:
2 "pipeline": [
3 {
4 "filename": "./exercises/python/athletic-fields.laz"
5 },
6 {
7 "type": "filters.python",
8 "function": "make_plot",
9 "module": "anything",
10 "pdalargs": "{\"filename\":\"./exercises/python/histogram.png\"}",
11 "script": "./exercises/python/"
12 },
13 {
14 "type": "writers.null"
15 }
16 ]
This pipeline is available in your workshop materials in the
Python script#
The following Python script will do the actual work of creating the histogram
plot with matplotlib. Store it as
next to the
Pipeline file above. The script is mostly regular
Python except for the ins
and outs
arguments to the function – those
are special arguments that PDAL expects to be a dictionary of Numpy
This Python file is available in your workshop materials in the
1# import numpy
2import numpy as np
4# import matplotlib stuff and make sure to use the
5# AGG renderer.
6import matplotlib
8import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
9import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
11# This only works for Python 3. Use
12# StringIO for Python 2.
13from io import BytesIO
15# The make_plot function will do all of our work. The
16# filters.programmable filter expects a function name in the
17# module that has at least two arguments -- "ins" which
18# are numpy arrays for each dimension, and the "outs" which
19# the script can alter/set/adjust to have them updated for
20# further processing.
21def make_plot(ins, outs):
23 # figure position and row will increment
24 figure_position = 1
25 row = 1
27 fig = plt.figure(figure_position, figsize=(6, 8.5), dpi=300)
29 for key in ins:
30 dimension = ins[key]
31 ax = fig.add_subplot(len(ins.keys()), 1, row)
33 # histogram the current dimension with 30 bins
34 n, bins, patches = ax.hist( dimension, 30,
35 density=0,
36 facecolor='grey',
37 alpha=0.75,
38 align='mid',
39 histtype='stepfilled',
40 linewidth=None)
42 # Set plot particulars
43 ax.set_ylabel(key, size=10, rotation='horizontal')
44 ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False)
45 ax.set_yticklabels('')
46 ax.set_yticks((),)
47 ax.set_xlim(min(dimension), max(dimension))
48 ax.set_ylim(min(n), max(n))
50 # increment plot position
51 row = row + 1
52 figure_position = figure_position + 1
54 # We will save the PNG bytes to a BytesIO instance
55 # and the nwrite that to a file.
56 output = BytesIO()
57 plt.savefig(output,format="PNG")
59 # a module global variable, called 'pdalargs' is available
60 # to filters.programmable and filters.predicate modules that contains
61 # a dictionary of arguments that can be explicitly passed into
62 # the module by the user. We passed in a filename arg in our `pdal pipeline` call
63 filename = pdalargs['filename'] if 'filename' in pdalargs else 'histogram.png'
65 # open up the filename and write out the
66 # bytes of the PNG stored in the BytesIO instance
67 with open(filename, 'wb') as o:
68 o.write(output.getvalue())
71 # filters.programmable scripts need to
72 # return True to tell the filter it was successful.
73 return True
Run pdal pipeline
$ pdal pipeline ./exercises/python/histogram.json
anything:47: UserWarning: Attempting to set identical low and high xlims makes transformation singular; automatically expanding.

writers.null simply swallows the output of the pipeline. We don’t need to write any data.
JSON needs to be escaped because a valid Python dictionary entry isn’t always valid JSON.