Continuous Integration

PDAL regression tests are run on a per-commit basis using GitHub Actions


alpinestatus linuxstatus osxstatus windowstatus docsstatus dockerstatus


Continuous integration configuration is modified by manipulating configuration files in to locations:

  • ./github/workflows

  • ./scripts/ci

Linux, OSX, and Windows builds are all configured separately with scripts in the ./scripts/ci directory.


All of the tests use Conda Forge for dependencies.

The Linux builder has a “fixed” configuration that pins GDAL to a specific version to prevent the rest of the dependency tree from floating according to Conda Forge’s package dependency rules.


Docs are always built and doc artifacts are attached to the build:

  • HTML

  • PDF

  • Misspelled words

Push to

Docs are pushed to under the following conditions:

  • Doc building succeeds

  • The push branch denoted in ./github/workflows/docs.yaml matches the current *-maintenance branch.