
The Mongo Filter applies query logic to the input point cloud based on a MongoDB-style query expression using the point cloud attributes.

Default Embedded Stage

This stage is enabled by default

Streamable Stage

This stage supports streaming operations


This example passes through only the points whose Classification is non-zero.

        "type": "filters.mongo",
        "expression": {
            "Classification": { "$ne": 0 }

This example passes through only the points whose ReturnNumber is equal to the NumberOfReturns and the NumberOfReturns is greater than 1.

        "type": "filters.mongo",
        "expression": { "$and": [
            { "ReturnNumber": "NumberOfReturns" },
            { "NumberOfReturns": { "$gt": 1 } }
        ] }



A JSON query expression containing a combination of query comparisons and logical operators.


An expression that limits points passed to a filter. Points that don’t pass the expression skip the stage but are available to subsequent stages in a pipeline. [Default: no filtering]


A strategy for merging points skipped by a ‘where’ option when running in standard mode. If true, the skipped points are added to the first point view returned by the skipped filter. If false, skipped points are placed in their own point view. If auto, skipped points are merged into the returned point view provided that only one point view is returned and it has the same point count as it did when the filter was run. [Default: auto]


A query expression is a combination of comparison and logical operators that define a query which can be used to select matching points by their attribute values.

Comparison operators

There are 8 valid query comparison operators:

  • $eq: Matches values equal to a specified value.

  • $gt: Matches values greater than a specified value.

  • $gte: Matches values greater than or equal to a specified value.

  • $lt: Matches values less than a specified value.

  • $lte: Matches values less than or equal to a specified value.

  • $ne: Matches values not equal to a specified value.

  • $in: Matches any of the values specified in the array.

  • $nin: Matches none of the values specified in the array.

Comparison operators compare a point cloud attribute with an operand or an array of operands. An operand is either a numeric constant or a string representing a dimension name. For all comparison operators except for $in and $nin, the comparison value must be a single operand. For $in and $nin, the value must be an array of operands.

Comparison operator specifications must be contained within an object whose key is the dimension name to be compared.

{ "Classification": { "$eq": 2 } }
{ "Intensity": { "$gt": 0 } }
{ "Classification": { "$in": [2, 6, 9] } }

The $eq comparison operator may be implicitly invoked by setting an attribute name directly to a value.

{ "Classification": 2 }

Logical operators

There are 4 valid logical operators:

  • $and: Applies a logical and on the expressions of the array and returns a match only if all expressions match.

  • $not: Inverts the value of the single sub-expression.

  • $nor: Applies a logical nor on the expressions of the array and returns a match only if all expressions fail to match.

  • $nor: Applies a logical or on the expressions of the array and returns a match if any of the expressions match.

Logical operators are used to logically combine sub-expressions. All logical operators except for $not are applied to arrays of expressions. $not is applied to a single expression and negates its result.

Logical operators may be applied directly to comparison expressions or may contain further nested logical operators. For example:

{ "$or": [
    { "Classification": 2 },
    { "Intensity": { "$gt": 0 } }
] }
{ "$or": [
    { "Classification": 2 },
    { "$and": [
        { "ReturnNumber": "NumberOfReturns" },
        { "NumberOfReturns": { "$gt": 1 } }
    ] }
] }
{ "$not": {
    "$or": [
        { "Classification": 2 },
        { "$and": [
            { "ReturnNumber": { "$gt": 0 } },
            { "Z": { "$lte": 42 } }
        ] }
    ] }

For any individual dimension, the logical and may be implicitly invoked via multiple comparisons within the comparison object. For example:

{ "X": { "$gt": 0, "$lt": 42 } }