The Optech reader reads Corrected Sensor Data (.csd) files. These files contain scan angles, ranges, IMU and GNSS information, and boresight calibration values, all of which are combined in the reader into XYZ points using the WGS84 reference frame.
- filename
csd file to read [Required]
- count
Maximum number of points to read. [Default: unlimited]
- override_srs
Spatial reference to apply to the data. Overrides any SRS in the input itself. Can be specified as a WKT, PROJ or EPSG string. Can’t use with ‘default_srs’. [Default: none]
- default_srs
Spatial reference to apply to the data if the input does not specify one. Can be specified as a WKT, PROJ or EPSG string. Can’t use with ‘override_srs’. [Default: none]