

Spatio Temporal Access Catalog (STAC) is a common language to describe geospatial information, so it can more easily be worked with, indexed, and discovered. The STAC reader will read Catalogs and Features. For Catalogs, the reader will iterate through items available in the Links key, creating a list of reads to accomplish.

Default Embedded Stage

This stage is enabled by default


        "type": "readers.stac",
        "filename": "",
        "reader_args": [{"type": "readers.ept", "resolution": 100}],
        "items": ["MD_GoldenBeach_2012"],
        "catalogs": ["3dep"],
        "properties": { "pc:type": ["lidar", "sonar"], "pc:encoding": "ept" },
        "asset_name": "ept.json",
        "date_ranges": [
        "validate_schema": true
pdal info --input \
    --driver readers.stac --asset_name ept.json --summary



STAC endpoint, local or remote, that corresponds to a Catalog, Feature or ItemCollection.


The list of asset names that should be looked at to find the source data. The default is ‘data’.


A list of date ranges to prune Features by. Example: --readers.stac.date_ranges '[["2022-11-11T0:00:0Z","2022-11-30T0:00:0Z"],...]'


Bounds to prune Features by. Form: ([minx,maxx],[miny,maxy],[minz,maxz]) Example: --readers.stac.bounds '([-79.0,-74.0],[38.0,39.0])'


JSON object describing an OGR query, selecting a polygon to prune Features by. Filters for STAC Items that overlap any point of the specified polygon. Form:

    "datasource": "File path to OGR-readable geometry",
    "drivers": ["OGR driver to use", "and OGR KEY=VALUE driver options"],
    "openoptions": ["Options to pass to the OGR open function [optional]"],
    "layer": "OGR layer from which to fetch polygons [optional]",
    "sql": "SQL query to use to filter the polygons in the layer [optional]",
        "geometry": "WKT or GeoJSON geomtry used to filter query [optional]",
        "dialect": "SQL dialect to use (default: OGR SQL) [optional]"

List of Regular Expression strings to prune STAC Item IDs by. Example: --readers.stac.items '["MD_GoldenBeach_2012", "USGS_LPC\\w{0,}"]'


List of Regular Expression strings to prune STAC Catalog IDs by. Root catalog IDs are always included in the list. Example: --readers.stac.catalogs '["3dep-test", "USGS"]'


List of Regular Expression strings to prune STAC Collection IDs by. This will filter by the collections key in a STAC Item and the id key of the STAC Collection. Example: --readers.stac.collections '["3dep-test", "USGS"]'


Boolean value determining if the reader should validate the supplied STAC as it’s being read using JSON schema and the publicly available STAC schemas and list of STAC extension schemas.


A key value mapping (JSON) of properties and the desired values to prune Features by. Different keys will be AND’d together, and list of values will OR’d together. Example: '{"pc:type":["lidar","sonar"],"pc:encoding":"ept"}' In this example, a Feature must have a pc:type key with values of either lidar or sonar, and a pc:encoding key with a value of ept.


A list of JSON objects with keys of reader options and the values to pass through. These will be in the exact same form as a Pipeline Stage object minus the filename.


--readers.stac.reader_args \
'[{"type": "readers.ept", "resolution": 100}, {"type": "readers.las", "nosrs": true}]'

URL of JSON schema you’d like to use for JSON schema validation of STAC Catalogs.


URL of JSON schema you’d like to use for JSON schema validation of STAC Collections.


URL of JSON schema you’d like to use for JSON schema validation of STAC Items/Features.


Metadata outputs will include ids and item_ids for representings STAC Feature Ids, as well as catalog_ids and collection_ids representing STAC Catalogs and Collections, respectively.

pdal info --summary --driver readers.stac \
--readers.stac.asset_names 'ept.json' \
--readers.stac.asset_names 'data' \
    "file_size": 1177,
    "filename": "/PDAL_DIR/test/data/stac/local_catalog/catalog.json",
    "now": "2023-08-07T15:48:59-0500",
    "pdal_version": "2.6.0 (git-version: 54be24)",
    "reader": "readers.stac",
            "maxx": 637179.22,
            "maxy": 5740737,
            "maxz": 1069,
            "minx": -10543360,
            "miny": 848935.2,
            "minz": -22
        "dimensions": "ClassFlags, Classification, EdgeOfFlightLine, GpsTime, Intensity, NumberOfReturns, PointSourceId, ReturnNumber, ScanAngleRank, ScanChannel, ScanDirectionFlag, UserData, X, Y, Z, OriginId, Red, Green, Blue",
                "Autzen Trim"
                "Autzen Trim"
        "num_points": 44851411750

Curl Timeouts#

STAC reader, and PDAL as a whole, rely on curl for external requests. The curl requests default to a timeout of 5s. If your requests are failing, it could be because the timeout is too short. You can set CURL_TIMEOUT in your environment to get around this.

To debug your requests to make sure that the timeout is the problem, set VERBOSE=1 in your environment before running your PDAL task.

    pdal info --summary --driver readers.stac \
    --readers.stac.asset_names 'ept.json' \
    --readers.stac.asset_names 'data' \