A GDAL tile index is an OGR-readable data source of boundary information. PDAL provides a similar concept for PDAL-readable point cloud data. You can use the tindex application to generate tile index files in any format that OGR supports writing. Once you have the tile index, you can then use the tindex reader to automatically merge and query the data described by the tiles.
Basic Example#
Given a tile index that was generated with the following scenario:
pdal tindex index.sqlite \
"/Users/hobu/dev/git/pdal/test/data/las/interesting.las" \
-f "SQLite" \
--lyr_name "pdal" \
--t_srs "EPSG:4326"
Use the following pipeline example to read and automatically merge the data.
"filter_srs":"+proj=lcc +lat_1=43 +lat_2=45.5 +lat_0=41.75 +lon_0=-120.5 +x_0=399999.9999999999 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=ft +no_defs",
"where":"location LIKE \'%nteresting.las%\'",
"wkt":"POLYGON ((635629.85000000 848999.70000000, 635629.85000000 853535.43000000, 638982.55000000 853535.43000000, 638982.55000000 848999.70000000, 635629.85000000 848999.70000000))"
- filename
OGROpen’able raster file to read [Required]
- count
Maximum number of points to read. [Default: unlimited]
- override_srs
Spatial reference to apply to the data. Overrides any SRS in the input itself. Can be specified as a WKT, PROJ or EPSG string. Can’t use with ‘default_srs’. [Default: none]
- default_srs
Spatial reference to apply to the data if the input does not specify one. Can be specified as a WKT, PROJ or EPSG string. Can’t use with ‘override_srs’. [Default: none]
- lyr_name
The OGR layer name for the data source to use to fetch the tile index information.
- reader_args
A list of JSON objects with keys of reader options and the values to pass through. These will be in the exact same form as a Pipeline Stage object minus the filename.
--readers.stac.reader_args \
'[{"type": "readers.ept", "resolution": 100}, {"type": "readers.las", "nosrs": true}]'
- srs_column
The column in the layer that provides the SRS information for the file. Use this if you wish to override or set coordinate system information for files.
- tindex_name
The column name that defines the file location for the tile index file. [Default: location]
- sql
OGR SQL to use to define the tile index layer.
- bounds
A 2D box to pre-filter the tile index. If it is set, it will override any [wkt] option.
- wkt
A geometry to pre-filter the tile index using OGR.
- t_srs
Reproject the layer SRS, otherwise default to the tile index layer’s SRS. [Default: “EPSG:4326”]
- filter_srs
Transforms any [wkt] or [bounds] option to this coordinate system before filtering or reading data. [Default: “EPSG:4326”]
- where
OGR SQL filter clause to use on the layer. It only works in combination with tile index layers that are defined with [lyr_name]
- dialect
OGR SQL dialect to use when querying tile index layer [Default: OGRSQL]