The pipeline
command is used to execute Pipeline JSON. By default
the pipeline is run in stream mode if possible, otherwise in standard mode.
See Reading with PDAL or Pipeline for
more information.
$ pdal pipeline <input>
--input, -i Input filename
--dims Limit loaded dimensions to this list. Note that X, Y and Z are
always loaded.
--pipeline-serialization Output file for pipeline serialization
--validate Validate but do not process the pipeline.
Also reports whether a pipeline can be streamed.
--progress Name of file or FIFO to which stages should write
progress information. The file/FIFO must exist. PDAL will not create the
progress file.
--stdin, -s Read pipeline from standard input
--metadata Metadata filename
--stream Run in stream mode. If not possible, exit.
--nostream Run in standard mode.
The pipeline
command can accept command-line option substitutions and
they replace
existing options that are specified in the input JSON pipeline.
For example, to set the output and input LAS files for a
pipeline that does a translation, the filename
for the reader and the
writer can be overridden:
$ pdal pipeline translate.json --writers.las.filename=output.laz \
If multiple stages of the same name exist in the pipeline, all
stages would
be overridden. In the following example, both colorization filters would
have their dimensions
option overridden to the value
“Red:1:1.0, Blue, Green::256.0” by the command shown below:
"type" : "filters.colorization",
"raster" : "raster1.tiff"
"dimensions": "Red"
"type" : "filters.colorization",
"raster" : "raster2.tiff"
"dimensions": "Blue"
$ pdal pipeline colorize.json --filters.colorization.dimensions= \
"Red:1:1.0, Blue, Green::256.0"
Option substitution can also refer to the tag of an individual stage.
This can be done by using the syntax –stage.<tagname>.<option>. This
allows options to be set on individual stages, even if there are multiple
stages of the same type. For example, if a pipeline contained two LAS
readers with tags las1
and las2
respectively, the following
command would allow assignment of different filenames to each stage:
"pipeline" : [
"tag" : "las1",
"type" : "readers.las"
"tag" : "las2",
"type" : "readers.las"
$ pdal pipeline translate.json --writers.las.filename=output.laz \
--stage.las1.filename=file1.las --stage.las2.filename=file2.las
The above uses the older syntax where the array of stages needed to be the value of a key named “pipeline”.
Options specified by tag names override options specified by stage types.