


The split command will create multiple output files from a single input file. The command takes an input file name and an output filename (used as a template) or output directory specification.

$ pdal split <input> <output>
--input, -i     Input filename
--output, -o    Output filename
--length        Edge length for splitter cells
--capacity      Point capacity of chipper cells
--origin_x      Origin in X axis for splitter cells
--origin_y      Origin in Y axis for splitter cells

If neither the --length nor --capacity arguments are specified, an implcit argument of capacity with a value of 100000 is added.

The output argument is a template. If the output argument is, for example, file.ext, the output files created are file_#.ext where # is a number starting at one and incrementing for each file created.

If the output argument ends in a path separator, it is assumed to be a directory and the input argument is appended to create the output template. The split command never creates directories. Directories must pre-exist.

Example 1:#

$ pdal split --capacity 100000 infile.laz outfile.bpf

This command takes the points from the input file infile.laz and creates output files outfile_1.bpf, outfile_2.bpf, … where each output file contains no more than 100000 points.