

This page is intended to provide information about Alpine that may be useful for PDAL developers, especially when it comes to adding new PDAL dependencies.


When adding a dependency to PDAL, you will need to update our Travis configuration for continuous integration and testing, and Dockerfiles for automated builds. Begin by checking for your package in Packages containing binaries can typically be found by searching for the library/package name alone. Development files are typically grouped in a separate subpackage with -dev appended to the package name. Libraries are sometimes grouped in yet another subpackage with -libs appended. It may take a little inspection of the package contents to determine exactly what you are getting with a particular package.

If a package does not yet exist, you’ll need to consult or phone a friend. Alpine developers can frequently be found on the IRC channel #alpine-devel.


We currently run our Travis CI builds by first pulling alpine:3.6 and then running a script within the Alpine container. Any new dependencies that are required for PDAL to be built and tested will need to be added to PDAL/PDAL.


Our Docker automated builds are built from the Dockerfiles located in PDAL/PDAL. There are folders for each supported release as well as master, and there are variants for Alpine and Ubuntu based images. In the Alpine Dockerfiles, any development dependencies should be added in the apk add step that uses the --virtual switch, as these will be deleted after compilation. Any runtime dependencies should be added to the regular apk add step.