Building Docker Containers for PDAL

Building Docker Containers for PDAL#

PDAL’s repository is linked to DockerHub for automatic building of Docker containers. PDAL keeps three Docker containers current.

  • pdal/ubuntu-dependencies:latest – PDAL’s dependencies

  • pdal/pdal:latest – PDAL master

  • pdal/pdal:1.5 – PDAL maintenance branch


Containers are built upon the [Dependencies] container, but the [Dependencies] container is not pinned to specific Bionic or PDAL release times. It corresponds to where ever the dependencies tag of the PDAL source tree at PDAL/PDAL resides


The PDAL dependencies Docker container is used by both the latest and release branch Docker containers. The dependencies container is also used during Continuous Integration testing by Travis. It is built using the Dockerfile at PDAL/PDAL

The pdal/dependencies:latest image is regenerated by force-pushing a tag of the SHA you wish to use to have DockerHub build.

git tag -f dependencies
git push origin refs/tags/dependencies -f


The dependencies container is currently built upon Ubuntu Bionic. When the next Ubuntu LTS is released, the PDAL project will likely move to it.


A PDAL container corresponding to the last major release is automatically created and maintained with every commit to the active release branch. For example, the 1.4-maintenance branch will have a corresponding pdal/pdal:1.4 container made with every commit on DockerHub. Users are encouraged to use these containers for testing, bug confirmation, and deployment


Fig. 32 Docker containers on maintenance branch correspond to major PDAL releases.#

Latest (or master)#

A PDAL container corresponding to a developer-selected release point is made available at pdal/pdal:latest and corresponds to the manual push of a docker-master tag by PDAL developers. This container is typically used for testing and verification of fixes, and it is recommended that users looking to depend on PDAL’s Docker containers always use known release versions off of the last stable release branch.


You should be using the [Maintenance] Docker container for any production-oriented operations. Only use the latest one to test or prototype a latest, unreleased feature.


Fig. 33 The pdal/pdal:latest branch is current relative to the docker-master branch in GitHub.#

$ git tag -f docker-master
$ git push origin refs/tags/docker-master -f