The reprojection filter converts the X, Y and/or Z dimensions to a new spatial reference system. The old coordinates are replaced by the new ones. If you want to preserve the old coordinates for future processing, use a filters.ferry to create copies of the original dimensions before reprojecting.
When coordinates are reprojected, it may significantly change the precision necessary to represent the values in some output formats. Make sure that you’re familiar with any scaling necessary for your output format based on the projection you’ve used.
Streamable Stage
This stage supports streaming operations
Example 1#
This pipeline reprojects terrain points with Z-values between 0 and 100 by first applying a range filter and then specifying both the input and output spatial reference as EPSG-codes. The X and Y dimensions are scaled to allow enough precision in the output coordinates.
Example 2#
In some cases it is not possible to use a EPSG-code as a spatial reference.
Instead PROJ parameters can be used to define a spatial
reference. In this example the vertical component of points in a laz file is
converted from geometric (ellipsoidal) heights to orthometric heights by using
the geoidgrids
parameter from PROJ. Here we change the vertical datum
from the GRS80 ellipsoid to DVR90, the vertical datum in Denmark. In the
writing stage of the pipeline the spatial reference of the file is set to
EPSG:7416. The last step is needed since PDAL will otherwise reference the
vertical datum as “Unnamed Vertical Datum” in the spatial reference VLR.
"out_srs":"+init=epsg:25832 +geoidgrids=C:/data/geoids/dvr90.gtx"
- in_srs
Spatial reference system of the input data. Express as an EPSG string (eg “EPSG:4326” for WGS84 geographic), PROJ string or a well-known text string. [Required if not part of the input data set]
- out_srs
Spatial reference system of the output data. Express as an EPSG string (eg “EPSG:4326” for WGS84 geographic), PROJ string or a well-known text string. [Required]
- in_axis_ordering
An array of numbers that override the axis order for the in_srs (or if not specified, the inferred SRS from the previous Stage). “2, 1” for example would swap X and Y, which may be commonly needed for something like “EPSG:4326”.
- in_coord_epoch
Coordinate epoch for the input coordinate system as a double. [Default: 0]
- out_axis_ordering
An array of numbers that override the axis order for the out_srs. “2, 1” for example would swap X and Y, which may be commonly needed for something like “EPSG:4326”.
- out_coord_epoch
Coordinate epoch for the output coordinate system as a double. [Default: 0]
- error_on_failure
If true and reprojection of any point fails, throw an exception that terminates PDAL . [Default: false]