Writers consume data provided by Readers. Some writers can consume any dimension type, while others only understand fixed dimension names.
PDAL predefined dimension names can be found in the dimension registry: Dimensions
- writers.arrow
write Apache Arrow Feather- or Parquet-formatted files
- writers.bpf
write BPF version 3 files. BPF is an NGA specification for point cloud data.
- writers.copc
COPC, or Cloud Optimized Point Cloud, is an LAZ 1.4 file stored as a clustered octree.
- writers.draco
Write a buffer in Google Draco format
- writers.ept_addon
Append additional dimensions to Entwine resources.
- writers.e57
Write data in the E57 format.
- writers.fbi
Write TerraSolid FBI format
- writers.fbx
Write mesh output in the Adobe FBX format.
- writers.gdal
Create a raster from a point cloud using an interpolation algorithm.
- writers.gltf
Write mesh data in GLTF format. Point clouds without meshes cannot be written.
- writers.las
Write ASPRS LAS and LAZ versions 1.0 - 1.4 formatted data.
- writers.matlab
Write MATLAB .mat files. The output has a single array struct.
- writers.nitf
Write LAS and LAZ point cloud data, wrapped in a NITF 2.1 file.
- writers.null
Provides a sink for points in a pipeline. It’s the same as sending pipeline output to /dev/null.
- writers.ogr
Write a point cloud as a set of OGR points/multipoints
- writers.pcd
Write PCD-formatted files in the ASCII, binary, or compressed format.
- writers.pgpointcloud
Write to a PostgreSQL database that has the PostgreSQL Pointcloud extension enabled.
- writers.ply
Write points as PLY vertices. Can also emit a mesh as a set of faces.
- writers.raster
Writes rasters using GDAL. Rasters must be created using a PDAL filter.
- writers.sbet
Write data in the SBET format.
- writers.text
Write points in a text file. GeoJSON and CSV formats are supported.
- writers.tiledb
Write points into a TileDB database.