The PTX reader reads data from Leica Cyclone PTX files. It infers dimensions from points stored in a text file.
PTX files can contain multiple point clouds stored in a single file. If that is the case, the reader will read all the points from all of the internal point clouds as one. :::
Example Pipeline#
- filename
File to read. [Required]
- count
Maximum number of points to read. [Default: unlimited]
- override_srs
Spatial reference to apply to the data. Overrides any SRS in the input itself. Can be specified as a WKT, PROJ or EPSG string. Can’t use with ‘default_srs’. [Default: none]
- default_srs
Spatial reference to apply to the data if the input does not specify one. Can be specified as a WKT, PROJ or EPSG string. Can’t use with ‘override_srs’. [Default: none]
- discard_missing_points
Each point cloud in a PTX file is “fully populated”, in that the point cloud will contain missing points with XYZ values of “0 0 0”. When this option is enabled, we will skip over any missing input points. [Default: true]